Giraffes are threatened with extinction

International Union for Conservation of Nature – IUCN) has updated the Red List, whichóra contains a list of speciesóThe house is a home to plants and animals in danger of extinction. It includes giraffes. Less than 100,000 of them live in the wild today. individualów.

HeadóA major cause of population decline is the loss of natural habitat, which has led to a decline in the populationóThe areas on which they are located are being developed for the purpose of cultivation. This includes illegal hunting of these animals. There is also unrest in African countries where giraffes live.

The Red List also includes ash parrots, also known as zookeepers, whichóbirds are caught en masse for trade. A large number of them die before they reach their destinations. The list also includes more than 700 recently discovered speciesów birdów.

– The list of animals in the Red Book shows the scale of global extinction of speciesów. The crisis may be bigger than we thought – said Inger Anderson, IUCN Director General. – Many speciesóin us slips away before we can describe them – added.

The Red List currently lists 85,604 speciesóThe site's animal and plant remains, a quarter of which are classified as critically endangered. The rate of species extinctionóin has now assumed unprecedented proportions. Man is to blame for this.

SourceóSource: The Guardian, BBC, Photo. mediosaudiovisuales/pixabay