A super-resistant bacterium has been discovered. It had been isolated from the world for more than 4 million years

Lechuguilla Cave is one of the largest and deepest caves known to man. Located in the US state of New Mexico. It was discovered in 1986 and until then was isolated from the outside world. Therefore, they decided to further protect it from the world and installed gas-tight locks in the entrance. The location of the cave has also not been publicly announced.

This has been confirmed byób an ideal environment to study the organisms in it, whichóre survived in isolation for more than 4 million years. Through long-term isolation, bacteria have evolved there that are not found anywhere else. Although despite the considerable resourcesóThe caution and precautions used in the laboratory have already led to the discovery of human-caused Escherichia coli in the area.

And it was inside it that McMaster University researchers found the bacterium Paenibacillus. Its properties baffled researchers. It turned out to be resistant to most of the antibiotics usedóin, including those of last resort, used when the others fail.

Thanks to the discovery of Paenibacillus, scientists have learned five new waysóin a bacterial fight against antibiotics. While observing the new drug eradication tacticsów scientists can develop new drugs thatóre will respond to new threats.